Post-Diploma Clinical Mentoring Programme

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Overview - What is it about?

The McKenzie Institute International is providing an opportunity for 1:1 clinical mentoring by one of our Diploma Clinical educators at a number of our established Diploma sites.

This focus of this 3-week programme will be individualised to the needs of Diploma holder. Personal goals will be established in coordination with the Clinical Educator, who will also provide some initial feedback that will help to guide the subsequent clinical time. The experience will thus be tailored for the individual. There is no set curriculum or final examination.

Who can apply?

Any clinician who holds a Diploma in Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy may apply.

What would it entail?

This programme, similar to the Diploma clinical, allows Diplomates to spend 3 weeks at a Diploma venue and be mentored by the clinical educators with the goal of exploring their current clinical performance and improving their clinical reasoning and skills. For some, this may require working on their decision making with complex patients, fine tuning their patient communication, recognising, and integrating the full breadth of the MDT classifications or being checked on their clinical procedures.

In general, the programme will allow the Diplomate to:

  • Establish individual clinical goals for the mentorship period.
  • Assess and manage patients under the direct supervision of the Clinical Educator.
  • Be challenged to explore complex clinical scenarios.
  • Receive detailed feedback from continuous clinical assessments and guidance as to how to achieve goals and improve clinical performance.
  • Further develop and fine-tune critical analysis and clinical reasoning skills.
  • Consult on clinical challenges experienced and any barriers to further development as an MDT clinician.
  • Discuss, analyse, and implement updates in the MDT system.

When is this Programme available?

There are no set times for the 3-week blocks. Applications can be submitted year-round, and the timing of the clinical mentoring will then be coordinated with the clinical educator at the desired site.

What are the Programme Objectives?

The educational objectives of the programme will be tailored to the needs of the Diplomat, but would usually encompass the following:

In coordination with the clinical educator:

1. Formulate specific goals to be achieve during the programme.
2. Appraise current status of clinical performance.
3. Develop a plan for achieving clinical goals and addressing identified areas of required practice growth.
4. Refine the clinical application of MDT principles with regards to the competencies of:

  • Applying foundation practice principles of communication, therapeutic alliance, and patient education concepts.
  • Obtaining a comprehensive and targeted patient history.
  • Planning and performing an effective, selective, and efficient physical examination.
  • Applying clinical reasoning processes to assessment findings to establish and validate a provisional classification based on known criteria.
  • Identifying appropriate goals of management in collaboration with the patient.
  • Planning, selecting, and implementing safe and appropriate principles of management in collaboration with the patient.
  • Performing an effective, selective, and efficient follow up evaluation.
  • Formulating individualised education and patient self-management strategies for the prevention of recurrence.

5. Develop a future plan for achieving any further goals for continued professional development beyond programme completion.

What would it cost?

The fee for the Clinical Mentoring Programme is USD $2000. Travel and accommodation expenses would be additional.

How do I apply?